Your mission is to take plein air to the world. There is low awareness of plein air painting, and we all need to do what we can do to make it a household term. Additionally, because of the joy plein air painting has brought us, we need to help others find that same joy.
We can accomplish both, which will result in more plein air collectors, more events, more hobby painters, and more teaching opportunities.
Your specific mission is to devote just one hour per month to helping others find plein air. You can do so by seeking opportunities to speak about plein air at schools, career days, community centers, clubs, colleges, and any place that will have you. We’ve even made it easy by creating a script you can follow, tools you can use, and a documentary you can play, which will do all the work for you.
We encourage you to seek ways you can spread the word and awareness. And it should be good for your career and branding as well.
We’re eager to hear about your activities and see photos you post on the Plein Air Force Facebook page.
Let’s change the world together.