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Buttons & Alerts
Buttons –
Small Button (Black)
Medium Button (Black)
Large Button (Black)
Small Button (Grey)
Medium Button (Grey)
Large Button (Grey)
Small Button (White)
Medium Button (White)
Large Button (White)
Small Button (Red)
Medium Button (Red)
Large Button (Red)
Small Button (Blue)
Medium Button (Blue)
Large Button (Blue)
Small Button (Green)
Medium Button (Green)
Large Button (Green)
Small Button (Brown)
Medium Button (Brown)
Large Button (Brown)
Small Button (Teal)
Medium Button (Teal)
Large Button (Teal)
Small Button (Tan)
Medium Button (Tan)
Large Button (Tan)
Alert Boxes –
An example of a Red Alert Box
An example of a Brown Alert Box
An example of a Blue Alert Box
An example of a Teal Alert Box
An example of a Green Alert Box
An example of a Tan Alert Box
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